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Golden Principles On How To Raise Children

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Children are treasures from Allah, we need to protect, raise, cloth, and discipline them following Islamic teaching. There are some golden principles on how to raise children that we need to adhere to. We need to raise children appropriately

Raising children and putting them in accordance and alignment with the Law of Shariah and leaving everything other than that

O People who Believe! Save yourselves and your families from the fire, the fuel of which is men and stones – appointed over it are the extremely strict angels, who do not refuse the command of Allah and carry out whatever they are commanded.

QUR’AN CHAPTER 66: Verse 6

And when the father saves his child from the fires of this world. Then as a priority, it is obligatory upon him to save his child from the fire of the hereafter.

The only way of doing this is that he teaches the child manners and civilization and educates him. The best of morals and protects him/her from bad companions and friends.

Consequence Of Halal Food On How To Raise Children

For rearing of the child and nursing, in the absence of the mother, a woman of good character and religiosity appointed who eats lawful foods

If the child is brought up with milk that comes from Haram sources. Then evil gets permeated into the very inner being of the child, and because of that; the spirit of the child gets inclined towards Satanic deeds.

Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

Etuquetes Of Eating On Raise Children

  • Eat food only with the right hand
  • Recite “Bismillah” “In the Name of Allah” at the beginning
  • Eat from the front of the plate
  • Wait for others to begin before he does
  • Not to start staring at the food when others start first
  • Not to even stare at others who are eating
  • Do not eat in an unnecessary hurry
  • Chew the food properly
  • Not continuously or hurriedly put morsels of food in his mouth but should do that gradually

The Etiquetes Of Dressing And Parenting

The parents must protect their child from meeting with all those children that accustomed to prosperity. Seeking comfort comfortable lifestyle, and dressing proudly.

The only source of protecting the child from all these evils is good education and training. After that, the child should be admitted into a religious school so that he studies the Quran and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him acquire knowledge of the conditions, biography, and traditions of Allah’s righteous slaves so that from the early childhood, the love of the saints (May Allah shower His Mercy upon all of them) get established in his/her heart. Raise children in good manners.

Persuading Towards Good And Stopping From Evil

Whenever the child rises and displays a good quality or displays a praiseworthy action, then the father should praise the child and give him such a gift that will make the child happy and should praise the child in front of others.

If the child then does something opposite, then it’s appropriate to show unawareness of it and the father should not dishonor or humiliate the child nor should he highlight the fault.

Instead, the father or parent should not even let the child know that he even thinks that the child dares to do such a thing in front of him, especially, in the case, when the child tries to cover and hide the fault.

It’s because revealing the mistakes of the child at times, is the cause for the child to become more daring to such an extent that slowly and gradually the child does not even care about his faults being revealed. 

Even after taking such a wise precaution, if the child does the same bad thing again, then it’s suitable to rebuke him in private and the fault of the bad deed should be revealed to him and should be told, Beware! Do not ever do this bad thing again.

Photo by Charles Parker from Pexels

Harms Of Excessive Scolding And Child-rearing

But it should be kept in mind that the child not be rebuked excessively, because it creates a habit in the child to listen to condemnation and scolding and increases in him the courage to commit wrongs. And slowly and gradually, the value of admonitions diminishes from the heart of the child.

Similarly, it’s necessary for the father that when he talks to the child, he maintains his awe and fear in the heart of the child and should rarely rebuke him. And the mother should make him fear the father when the child is being stubborn and should strictly stop the child from doing bad things.

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

Etiquetes Of Sleeping

The child should be told not to sleep during the day because it creates laziness but he should not be stopped from sleeping at night.

However, the child is still be stopped from sleeping on a soft bed so that the child’s bodily organs will get strong and the body will not get disfigured, due to which the child will not be able to live without comforts. 

Instead, the habits of sleeping on hard beds, wearing non-fine simple clothes, eating simple food should be instilled in the child.

Similarly, the habit of walking during the day and exercising should be instilled in the child so that he does not become lethargic and lazy.

However, utmost care must be taken to ensure that the child does not expose his, knees, thighs, etc. Furthermore, the child should not walk too fast nor should keep his hands loose which is a sign of laziness but instead, the child should keep his hands close to the body and should be active.

Prohibition Of Arrogance And Pride

The child should be prohibited from showing pride in anything from the possessions of his parents; his food items, clothes, even from something like his writing tablet and ink.

Instead, the habit of dealing with all of his colleagues with humility, respect, honor, and having a pure conversation, should be inculcated in him and should not be allowed to take anything from other children

Etiquetes Of Gathering And Conversation

  • The child should be taught to not spit publicly,
  • Do not pick his nose,
  • Not yawn in front of anyone,
  • Turn not his back to anyone,
  • Not sit while putting his palm under the chin or while supporting the head with hands,
  • Restrained from talking too much and it should be clearly impressed on his mind that all these are shameful things,
  • The child should be completely prohibited from swearing. Either truly or falsely so that he will not develop the habit of swearing from childhood,
  • The child stopped from starting a conversation first and have this habit instilled in him that he speaks only to answer questions and that too, proportionate to the question asked,
  • When someone is speaking to the child then he should listen very attentively.
Photo by mohamed abdelghaffar from Pexels


It’s quite difficult for nature children especially boys. Persistence, perseverance, and patience will nature children and mold them into their best form by the Will of Allah. Marry the right spouse

Photo by Guduru Ajay bhargav from Pexels

As a parent, I know what the other parents are going through. Through dedication, we can have a generational change and happier parents.

Share your experience with your children so that we can learn one or two things from you. Read more on Imam ghazali ra book

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