10 Ways To Overcome Sitting All-Day

10 Ways To Overcome Sitting All-Day

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Did you know that today’s average person spends over 50% of their day sitting? That is a lot of time spent doing nothing.

If you are reading this, then likely you are someone who sits for most of the day. This article will aim to give some helpful tips on how to stop it!

1) Exercise More Often

For every 30 minutes of sitting, standing up and walking around or doing some light exercise. You could also use a standing desk. However, if your job requires being seated at all times (e.g., truck driver), no amount of exercise can overcome this limitation. Furthermore, some people hate standing desks because they feel that they cause undue muscle pain or tension in their leg/back

2) Use A Standing/Walking Desk

If you can, use a standing or walking desk. This is a great option if your job permits it, but again, some people don’t like them because they feel that they cause undue muscle pain or tension in their legs/back

Photo by Standsome Worklifestyle from Pexels

3) Exercise Two To Three Times Per Week For At Least One Hour Each Time.

That’s right; exercising only once per week does not cut it! You need to exercise at least 3 times per week (e.g., Monday, Wednesday and Friday), and the best way to do this is by alternating between aerobic and strength training exercises. Exercising more often has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity better than exercising less often, even if the total amount of exercise is equal (Kokkinos, 2010)

4) Avoid Eating Large Meals

Try to eat one meal a day instead and it’s also known as (OMAD). Large, frequent meals can cause obesity and other health problems. Eating more often will help keep your blood sugar levels stable and help reduce the amount of food you eat at each sitting.

5) Try A Standing Or Walking Meeting Instead Of A Seated Meeting.

This is a great way to get up and move around a little bit without having to leave the office.

6) Take Regular Breaks From Your Sitting desk

Even if it’s just for 5 minutes. Get up, stretch your muscles, walk around a bit and drink some water.

7) Invest In An Exercise Ball To Use As A Chair.

Sitting on an inflatable ball helps strengthen your core muscles.

These are easy to clean and disinfect, making them great places to stand on if you don’t have a standing or walking workstation.

Photo courtesy MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

8) Use A Pedometer

To count your steps. Aim for 10,000 steps per day. If you’re not currently doing any exercise, start by walking for 30 minutes per day and slowly increase the amount of time as your fitness level improves.

9) Park your Car Away From The Entrance

Stores and other places you visit often.

This will force you to walk more and add some extra steps to your daily routine. Remember, 10,000 steps per day is a great goal!

10) If Obesity Is A Problem For You

Try losing excess weight by eating less sugar and carbohydrates, more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, more fibre and lean meat. Also, consider exercising at least 3 times per week for 30-60 minutes each time. All of these things may help reduce your risk of obesity and the health problems that come with it.

Photo courtesy Anna Tarazevich from Pexels


While obesity is a serious problem in North America, there are many things you can do to overcome it. Obesity is not only caused by eating too much and not exercising enough, but also by sitting all day long. Try some of the tips in this article to reduce your amount of sitting, and you may see a decrease in your weight and an improvement in your overall health!

Share with us if you have tried some other tips on curbing the menace of sitting so that we throw obesity away.

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