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Mental Health Awareness: What We Need To Know.

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There is no exact cause of mental illness, but knowing its type can help enhance the recovery process. There are 193 days and 12 days remaining for mental health awareness disorder. The WHO (WHO) has published a list of the most common types of mental disorders. Mental health is a general term where our level of psychological health is high and at the same level of our mind is high. We need to have a healthy mind to be able to do things right, says Richard Warren Warren.

Mental health awareness disorder, defined as a condition that

affects how a person feels, thinks, and behaves with or without the

influence of other people around them.

Sunday, 1 May and ends on Tuesday, 31 May 2022

There are days 193 days
That’s 6 months and 12 days remaining

The person who is suffering from a mental disorder might

show some mild to severe signs of mental disability,

depending on the person’s condition.

Most of the sufferers find it hard to cope with even the simplest

routines and demands from work and home.

In recent years, there has been increasing acknowledgment

of the important role mental health plays in achieving global

development goals, as illustrated by the inclusion of mental health

in the Sustainable Development Goals. According to WHO ( World Health Organization)

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Develop A Healthy Mind

There is no exact cause of mental illness.

by one of the following factors or combined psychological,

biological, hereditary, and environmental problems and not

really a personal weakness. Thus, in most cases, this condition

cannot be alleviated by simple self-discipline as it apparently

needs the intervention of doctors and medicine.

Following the cause are the types of mental diseases.

Mental conditions treated effectively using the right approach.

Thus, knowing its type can help enhance the recovery process.

Below are the most known types of mental disorders:

Psychotic disorders

It is described as having a distorted thinking and awareness pattern.

Its most common symptom is hallucinations.

The person with a psychotic disorder may experience weird images

and sounds that they perceive as true events despite their clear notion of delusion.

One known example of a psychotic disorder is schizophrenia.

Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

Personality disorders

These disorders, characterized by extremely stubborn personalities

that cause the person or the people around to feel stressed and upset.

This is the reason why people with personality disorders always

encounter problems at work, school, home, and even personal

and social relationships with people.

This is because the way they think and behave is extremely different from the

normal individuals.

Some examples of this condition are obsessive-compulsive personality disorder,

paranoid personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.

Mood disorders

These disorders are also known as affective disorders.

They are described as having a relentless feeling of sadness or

happiness or fluctuation of the two extreme emotions.

For instance, is the condition of being extremely happy to feel extremely sad.

Examples of this disorder are bipolar disorder and depression.

Anxiety disorders

A person with an anxiety disorder responds to certain situations

with great fear and horror resulting in serious nervousness,

sweating, and rapid heartbeat.

Examples include but are not limited to specific phobia, panic disorders,

generalized anxiety disorders, and social anxiety disorder.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Addiction disorders

These are characterized by uncontrollable urges to perform things

that are detrimental to our own self and others.

Examples are stealing, gambling, alcohol, and drug dependency.

Eating disorders

These disorders are characterized by extreme attitudes, emotions,

and behaviors relating to food and weight.

Examples of this include Bulimia Nervosa, binge eating disorders,

and Anorexia Nervosa.

The Basics On Mental Health

Generally, one needs to have a healthy mind to be able to do things right.

Our mental power helps us become effective in what we do.

Further, it plays an important role in our lives to help keep things in order.

Mental health is a general term. However, it relates to the overall

condition of our mind where our level of psychological health is high

and at the same time free of any mental disorders.

 Rick Warren, Richard Duane Warren is an American Baptist evangelical Christian pastor and author.

Happy Mind, Happy Life

A person’s ability to stay happy and enjoy life can also be measured

by their mental health awareness. The reason for this is that our mental capacity can

greatly affect our emotions, thus our expressions and reactions are also affected.

When your mental health is poor your judgment on things is also poor because

your mind cannot function rationally.

Being mentally ill will change the way you look at life and react to it.

Most of the time you are emotionally unstable, which is why a lot of people

who are not having a healthy state of mind becomes an easy target of

depression and other forms of mental disorders.

Things That Affects Our Mental Helath Awareness.

Our mental health can be affected by a lot of things including ou:

  • Physical makeup
  • Environmental
  • Work
  • Relationship
  • Genetics

Today, a lot of studies have been made purposely to give high priority

and importance to how a person achieves mental wellness for the reason

that people nowadays need to cope with the world that requires healthy

people, both physically and mentally to be able to live a bountiful and creative life.

In general, the areas of our life that can be deeply affected by our mental

condition are our spirituality, work, relationships, emotions, relaxation, and self-direction.

Moreover, we have to understand that even if we are mentally and emotionally healthy, it does not always

mean that we will never experience hassles from uncontrollable and unforeseen issues.

Results Of Best mental Health Awareness

However, a healthy mind and spirit will help us cope with any challenges with a better outlook

which can help us to stay focused, flexible, and result-driven.

To be able to maintain good mental health, we need to prevent any risk factors that can trigger

mental and emotional instability.

Also, when facing a difficult situation, stay focused and identify the root cause of the problem so

that you will know how exactly to deal with it.

Finally, since all of us want to have a beautiful and peaceful life,

let us all allow ourselves to relax and fill our lives with positive people

and always choose to have constructive relationships rather than the opposite.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, for you to be able to take care of your overall health.

You need to stick to your routine that enriches your physical health.

Combine your effort with the necessary supplements and manage the stress that you need

for you to achieve a well-balanced diet, body, and mind.

This way you are confident because you are taking the essential steps

to improve your overall well-being.

You will feel great about yourself as you see the transformations go underway.

Enjoy life at a much happier pace and learn to relax.

Use the steps you have just learned to get yourself in the best mental health awareness

state so that you may live a peaceful life.

Good luck!

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